Monday 17 October 2011

Inquiry Lab Learning Skill

Assalamualaikum semua...

Cook Book Lab vs Inquiry Lab. Macam menarik kan bunyinya, macam perlawanan bola sepak pon ada. Sebenarnya ini adalah dua teknik yang diperaktikkan oleh guru dalam pengajaran amali atau sesi eksperimen.

*"Cook Book Lab" bermaksud guru memberi manual atau atau panduan sepenuhnya semasa pelajar menjalankan eksperimen. Hal ini bermaksud pelajar menjalankan eksperimen berdasarkan kaedah yang diberi semata-mata.

*Dalam Inquiry Lab pula pelajar akan diberi satu "central guiding question" oleh guru. Berdasarkan soalan tersebut pelajar yang dibentuk dalam kumpulan akan berusaha mencipta manual eksperimen dan menjalankan eksperimen sendiri tetapi masih dikawal oleh guru. Dengan kata lain, guru hanya bertindak sebagai pemudah cara dalam sesi amali.

Pada kuliah hari ini kami telah memperaktikkan Teknik Inquiry Lab. Kami telah dibahagikan kepada kumpulan kecil yang terdiri 4 orang ahli.

Dr Nurul telah memberikan satu "central guiding question" iaitu What is relationship between the bouyant force and the weight of liquid displaced?

Jom...kita buat eksperimen!!!!

Macam ni lah susunan radas untuk eksperimen ni.

1)Hypothesis : Bouyant force = weight of water displaced by the object

2) Manipulated variable : Volume of the immersed object
    Responding Variable : Weight of water displaced.
    Constant variable : Density of water.

3) Operational operation
   How to determine the bouyant force of water : Measure the weight of object in the air, actual   weight. Measure the weight of object in the water, apparent weight. 
Bouyant force = Actual weight-Apparent weight
    Weight of water : TAke the reading of weight of displaced water.

4) Radas : Seperti dalam rajah di ats=)

5) Result
Weight of object in air = 1.15 N
Weight of object in water = 1.0 N
Bouyant Force = 0.15 N
Weight of water of water displaced = 0.21 N

Tapi keputusan eksperiment ini tidak tepat sangat sebab ada ralat.

Sebelum kelas tamat, Dr Nurul memberi satu lagi soalan menarik berkaitan bouyant force.

Why do heavy steel ship floats while a piece of much light coin steel sink in water???

** Steel ship
>>Bouyant force is depent on the volume of water displace.
>>The area of steel ship that attach to the water is larger.
>>So, the amount of water displaced in higher.
>>At the beginning ship will sink and then slowly moved upward and sink
>>This is because the bouyant force is higher than weight of weight of water displace.
>>At the surface of water, the bouyant force will equal to the weight of water displaced makes the ship to float.

**Coin steel

>>Bouyant force is depent on the volume of water displace.
>>The area of coin steel that attach to the water is smaller
>>So, the amount of water displaced is lower
>>At beginning steel coin will move downward into water and sink at the bottom.
>>It will not move upward because the bouyant force is too small and less than the volume water displaced and maked it to sink.

That's all for today=)

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